76 Chapter 2
Performance Verification Tests
9. System-Related Sidebands
a. Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows:
AMPLITUDE, 0dBm (50 Input only)
AMPLITUDE, 6 dBm (75 Input only)
AM Off
FM Off
b. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-9.
c. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it
is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys:
SPAN, 10 MHz
2. Set the analyzer to measure the system-related sideband above the
signal by performing the following steps:
a. Press the following keys:
Peak Search (or Search)
FREQUENCY, Signal Track (On)
SPAN, 200 kHz
BW/Avg, 1kHz
Video BW, 30 Hz (Man)
Allow the analyzer to take two complete sweeps. Then press the
following keys:
FREQUENCY, Signal Track (Off)
CF Step, 130 kHz (Man)
b. Press Single and wait for the completion of the sweep. Press
Peak Search (or Search), then Marker, Delta.
c. Press the following keys:
(step-up key)
3. Measure the system-related sideband above the signal by pressing
Single on the analyzer. Wait for the completion of a new sweep, then
press Peak Search (or Search).
4. Record the marker delta amplitude as Test Record entry 1 of the
performance verification test record.
5. Set the analyzer to measure the system-related sideband below the
signal by pressing the following keys:
(step-down key)
(step-down key)
6. Measure the system-related sideband below the signal by pressing