Chapter 2 81
Performance Verification Tests
10. Residual FM
step 8 by the Deviation recorded in step 12.
Record this value as Test Record entry 1 (Residual FM, 1 kHz Res
BW) in the performance verification test record.

Part 2: Residual FM for Option 1DR and 1D5

Perform this additional procedure only if Option 1DR and Option 1D5
are present. Perform “Part 1: Residual FM” before performing this
1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is
displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys:
FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 1GHz
AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –9 dBm (50 Input only)
AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, 39.8 dBmV (75 Input only)
Scale/Div, 2dB
2. On the analyzer press the following keys:
Peak Search (or Search)
SPAN, Span Zoom, 5kHz
Wait for theSpan 5 kHz” message to appear. Press the following
BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz (Man)
SPAN, 100 Hz
3. On the analyzer, press the following keys:
Peak Search (or Search)
Marker , Mkr Ref Lvl
Marker, Off
Peak Search (or Search)
Meas Tools
4. On the analyzer, rotate the knob counterclockwise until the marker
delta ( Mkr1) amplitude reads 10 dB ±0.3 dB.
5. On the analyzer, press the following keys:
Marker, Normal
Marker , Mkr CF
BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 Hz (Man)
SPAN, Zero Span
Sweep, Sweep Time, 20 ms
The displayed trace should be about five divisions below the