Chapter 2 381
Performance Verification Tests
50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B,
E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6)
5. On the oscilloscope, adjust the horizontal position to place the area
between the rising edges of channel 1 and channel 2 at the center of
the display. The horizontal position at the bottom of the grid should
be between −500 ns and −650 ns.
6. Set the oscilloscope timebase to 200 ns/div. The rising edges of
channel 1 and channel 2 should still be displayed. If not, adjust the
horizontal position so the rising edges of channel 1 and channel 2 are
7. Use the mouse connected to the oscilloscope and click on the mouse
icon in the upper right-hand corner of the display.
8. Set the oscilloscope statistics on.
Click on Measure and verify that “Show Statistics” is checked.
9. Define the conditions for a delta time measurement on the
Leave the oscilloscope in Auto Trigger “Free Run” mode until all
connections and setups are completed on both the oscilloscope and
the analyzer. This allows you to confirm that both channels on the
oscilloscope are receiving a valid signal.
a. Click on Measure, Customize, Measurement Definitions.
b. Set Threshold Definition to “10%, 50%, 90%”.
c. Set Top-Base Definition to “Standard”.
d. Set From Edge # to 1, and set To Edge # to 2.
e. Set both Direction selections to “Rising”.
f. Set both Threshold selections to “Middle Level”.
g. Click Close.
10.Activate the delta time measurement.
a. Click Measure, Time, Delta Time.
b. Set Source 1 to “Channel 1”.
c. Set Source 2 to “Channel 2”.
d. Click OK.
11.Wait a few seconds for the minimum and maximum values displayed
at the bottom of the oscilloscope grid to stabilize.
12.Refer to the measurement statistics at the bottom of the oscilloscope
Record the ∆Time (1)-(2) min value as Minimum Gate Delay in Table
Offset 3.0 V