352 Chapter 2
Performance Verification Tests
44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B,
and E4408B (Option 1DN)

Table 2-97. For 100 kHz, press FREQUENCY, 100 kHz. The (step up

key) may be used to tune to most center frequencies above 100 MHz.

9. Press Single on the analyzer.

10.Enter the appropriate power sensor Cal Factor into the power meter

as indicated in Table 2-97.

11.Record the power level displayed on the power meter in the Level

Flatness column in Table 2-97.

Table 2-97 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Worksheet, 100 kHz

Level Flatness
Cal Factor
100 kHz 0.1
300 kHz 0.3
500 kHz 0.3
1 MHz 1
2 MHz 3
5 MHz 3
10 MHz 10
20 MHz 30
40 MHz 50
50 MHz 0 (Ref) 50
80 MHz 100
100 MHz 100
250 MHz 300
400 MHz 300
550 MHz 300
700 MHz 1000
850 MHz 1000
1000 MHz 1000
1150 MHz 1000
1300 MHz 1000
1450 MHz 1000
1600 MHz 2000
1750 MHz 2000