188 Chapter 2
Performance Verification Tests
24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B
Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f)
Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m)
Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f)
Dual banana plug to BNC (f)
BNC Tee (BNC f,m,f)
Cable, BNC, 122-cm (48-in) (2 required)
Cable, APC 3.5
Termination, 50 Ω, BNC (m)
Source/Splitter Characterization
1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-32. Use the function
generator as the source. Connect one of the Agilent 8482A power
sensors to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference”
sensor. Connect the other Agilent 8482A power sensor to Channel B
of the power meter. This will be the “buried” sensor.
Figure 2-32 Source/Splitter Characterization Setup
2. Zero and calibrate both power sensors.
3. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the
calibration factor of the reference sensor for 100 kHz.
4. On the power meter, set the Channel B calibration factor to 100%.
Do not change this calibration factor during this test.
5. Set the function generator frequency to 100 kHz and amplitude to
–4 dBm.
6. Adjust the function generator amplitude to obtain a Channel A