To view existing SNMP users, click SNMP under Configuration > System Configuration in the tree view and click Manage SNMP Users. Alternatively, you can click the Manage SNMP User Access link located on the Configuration > Security and Access > Users page.
The admin user or a user with privileges for the SNMP feature can modify the security level, authentication pass phrase, and privacy pass phrase for existing SNMP users, and create or delete SNMP users. Pass phrases differ from passwords only in
The IPSO implementation of SNMP supports DES and MD5 authentication to automatically generate USM keys.
SNMP must be enabled on the system before you can set an SNMP user authentication or privacy pass phrase.
If you change the security level from either authPriv or authPrivReq to authNoPriv, the privacy pass phrase is automatically deleted. If you change it back to authNoPriv, you must supply a privacy pass phrase.
To add an SNMP user
1.Click SNMP under Configuration in the tree view.
2.Click Manage USM Users.
3.Enter the following information for the new user:
Security Level. Select from the following:
Authentication +
Authentication, no
Authentication and privacy
Authentication Pass
Privacy Pass
4.Click Apply.
An entry for the new user appears in the SNMP USM Users table.
5.Click Save to make your changes permanent.
264 | Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide |