BGP Route Redistribution Example
Route redistribution allows you to redistribute routes from one autonomous system into another autonomous system.
| AS100 | AS200 |
Nokia | Nokia | Nokia |
Platform A | Platform B | Platform C |
| AS4 |
| EBGP |
Platform D
To configure BGP route redistribution on Nokia Platform D
1.Click Route Redistribution under Configuration > Routing in the tree view.
2.Click BGP Routes Based on AS under the Redistribute to BGP section.
3.Select 100 from the Redistribute to Peer AS
4.Select 4 from the From AS
This procedure enables route redistribution from AS 4 to AS 100. By default, all routes that are excluded from being redistributed from AS 4 are redistributed to AS 100.
To redistribute a single route
1.To restrict route redistribution to route, enter in the New IP prefix to redistribute text box.
2.Enter 24 in the Mask length text box; then click Apply.
3.Select Exact from the Match Type
This procedure enables redistribution of route from AS 4 to AS 100. No other routes are redistributed.
To redistribute all routes
1.To allow all routes to redistributed, click Accept next to All BGP AS 4 routes into AS 100 field.
2.Click Apply.
Redistributing Routes to RIP and IGRP
Redistributing to RIP and IGRP is controlled by any one of three parameters:
440 | Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide |