overview 207 | log in with 25 | |
PIM 214 | overriding 25 | |
static routes 214 | configuring | |
three node example 243 | Ethernet interfaces 34 | |
transparent mode 132, 215 | IP addresses 31 | |
upgrading images 217 | mail relay 157 | |
clusters | network devices 30 | |
activating 229 | NTP 476 | |
adding nodes 229 | OSPF 109, 356 | |
administrator 210 | S/key 291 | |
administrators 233 | Secure Shell (SSH) 305, 309 | |
configuring 220 | SSH 305 | |
configuring interfaces 222 | T1 88 | |
configuring NTP 240 | T1 for PPP 90 | |
creating 220 | V.35 85 | |
deleting configurations 239 | X.21 85 | |
failure interval 234 | cookies | |
firewall monitoring 223 | session management 301 | |
installing IPSO Images 236 | COPS 461 | |
joining 229 | core files | |
managing 209, 231 | on | |
managing interface configurations 239 | cprestart command 253 | |
monitoring 234 | CPRID process 481 | |
multiple 215 | cpsnmp_start | |
network types 215 | script 253 | |
performance rating 234 | cpstop command 253 | |
rebooting 237 | CPU | |
removing nodes 238 | fan failure trap 258 | |
roles 293 | CPU information | |
synchronizing time 239 | viewing 28 | |
traps 258 | CPU memory | |
viewing members 485 | historical utilization 482 | |
viewing status of 485 | live utilization 479 | |
with BGP 413 | CPU utilization | |
with OSPF 356 | report 482 | |
cold start trap 256 | CPU utilization report | |
COM2 login 297 | configuring 177 | |
COM3 login 297 | cron jobs | |
commands, routing daemon (iclid) 488 | ensuring correct time 158 | |
common open policy server 461 | cron jobs, scheduled times 475 | |
communities, BGP 407 | crontab | |
community strings 254 | scheduling jobs 167 | |
confederations, BGP 409 | crossover cables | |
configuration | in clusters 215 | |
change log 485 | cryptographic accelerator | |
saving 166 | monitoring 487 | |
traps 257 |
| |
configuration file | D | |
creating 167 | ||
data transmission, queuing 482 | ||
configuration locks | ||
date setting 158 | ||
described 25 | ||
Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide | Index - 499 |