Disk and Swap Space
The Disk and Swap Space Utilization page shows system resources use, including disk and swap space use. This page retrieves the updated disk and swap space use every 20 seconds.
For each file system, you can monitor the number of kilobytes used and available, the percentage of disk space being used, the number of inodes used and free, and the location where it is mounted. The inode is the internal identifier for a file and a limited number are available in a partition. A system can run out of inodes before running out of disk space.
For swap space, you can monitor the name of the device, total number of swap data blocks on the device, the number of used and free swap data blocks on the device, and the type of device.
You should monitor the /config, /var, and /opt partitions, since these store the configuration files and logs and optional user software. Unlike
Monitoring Process Utilization
The Process Utilization page shows the status of processes. You must monitor and control processes to manage CPU and memory resources.
This page retrieves the updated process status every 30 seconds. When you access this page, a table displays the following fields for each process:
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