overview 354
MAC address VRRP 190
mail relay configuring 157 description 156 features 156 sending mail 158
management ports 30, 216 master state, VRRP 202 MD5 authentication 264 MED 406
memory viewing 28
memory cache, clearing 26 memory utilization report 482
configuring 177 menu items, Voyager 22 message log 484 MIBs
list of 249 mirror set 154 modem
configuring 298 dialback 298 inactivity timeout 298 status 298
status poll interval 298 types 299
Monitor Firewall State option 191 monitor interface parameter 195 monitor reports 482
configuring 177 monitord process 481
configuring 192 monitoring
fan sensors 487 hardware 487 monitor role 294 monitor user 288 power supply 487 routing protocols 486 slots 487
system logs 484 system resources 479 voltage sensors 487 watchdog timer 487
monitoring cryptographic accelerator 487 MSS clamping 46
setting for GigE Interfaces 42 MULTI_EXIT_DISC path attribute 405 multicast mode 213, 214, 215 multicast routers 392
multicast routing protocol 352 multicast tunnels
changing endpoint address 119 configuring addresses 391
multihop feature, EBGP 410 multiple routing instances
assigning access to 293
neighbor discovery configuring for IPv6 269
network access configuring 297 enabling 298
network devices, configuring 30 network interface card (NIC) 30 network management station 256 network services
chargen 297 daytime 298 discard 297 echo 297 enabling 298 time 298
network throughput report 482 Network Voyager
described navigating in 26 opening 24 overview 23
setting session timeout 312 troubleshooting access problems 301 Web access options 301
new password field 289 NEXT_HOP path attribute 405
configuring for clustering 241 NMS 256
notification configuring failure 157
Index - 504 | Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide |