| igrp | Data on IGRP routes. |
| ospf | Data on OSPF routes. |
| rip | Data on RIP routes. |
| static | Data on static routes. |
| bgp |
| Statistics on BGP routes. |
| aspath | List of parameters and status of BGP AS path. |
| communities | Status of BGP communities. |
| detailed | Details of BGP routes. |
| metrics | Status of BGP metrics. |
| suppressed | List and status of suppressed BGP routes. |
| direct |
| Directly connected routes and their status. |
| igrp |
| Displays IGRP routes. |
| inactive |
| Inactive routes. |
| aggregate | Inactive aggregate routes. |
| bgp | Inactive BGP routes. |
| direct | Inactive direct routes. |
| igrp | Inactive IGRP routes. |
| ospf | Inactive OSPF routes. |
| rip | Inactive RIP routes. |
| static | Inactive static routes. |
| ospf |
| OSPF route data. |
| rip |
| RIP route data. |
| static |
| Static route data. |
| summary |
| Displays the number of routes for each protocol. |
Element | Category | Subcategory | Description |
version |
| Operating system version information. |
Element | Category | Subcategory | Description |
Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide | 493 |