This value must be identical to the keepalive value configured on the system at the other end of a
8.Enter a number in the Keepalive maximum failures text box to configure the PPP keepalive maximum failures.
This value sets the number of times a remote system may fail to send a keepalive protocol message within a keepalive interval before the systems considers the link down.
Click Apply.
9.Click the Advanced PPP Options link. The PPP Advanced Options page appears.
10.Click Yes or No in the Negotiate Magic Number field.
Clicking Yes enables the interface to send a request to negotiate a magic number with a peer.
11.Click Yes or No in the Negotiate Maximum Receive Unit field.
Clicking Yes enables the interface to send a request to negotiate an MRU with a peer. Click Apply.
12.Click Up to return to the Physical Interface page.
13.Click the logical interface name in the Interface column of the Logical Interfaces table to go to the Interface page.
14.Enter the IP address for the local end of the link in the Local address text box.
15.Enter the IP address of the remote end of the link in the Remote address text box. Click Apply.
16.(Optional) Change the interface’s logical name to a more meaningful one by typing the preferred name in the Logical name text box.
Click Apply.
17.(Optional) Add a comment to further define the logical interfaces function in the Comments text box.
Click Apply.
18.To make your changes permanent, click Save.
To configure an HSSI interface for frame relay
1.Click Interfaces under Configuration > Interface Configuration in the tree view.
2.Click the physical interface link to configure in the Physical column. Example:
3.(Optional) Click On or Off in the Physical configuration table Internal Clock field to set the internal clock on the HSSI device.
Click Apply.
Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide | 105 |