VLAN Commands 787
show vlan
Use the show vlan command in Privileged EXEC mode to display detailed
information, including interface information and dynamic VLAN type, for a
specific VLAN. The ID is a valid VLAN identification number.
show vlan [id
|name vlan-name]
Parameter Description
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC mode
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example displays information for VLAN id 1, 2 and 3.
console#show vlan id 1
VLAN Name Ports Type
----- --------------- ------------- --------------
1 default Po1-48, Default
console#show vlan id 2
VLAN Name Ports Type
Parameter Description
vlanid VLAN identifier
vlan-name A valid VLAN name (Range 1-32 characters)
2CSPC4.XCT-SWUM2XX1.book Page 787 Monday, October 3, 2011 11:05 AM