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ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
View the VPN Tunnel Connection Status
To review the status of current IPSec VPN tunnels, select Monitoring > Active Users &
VPNs > IPSec VPN Connection Status. The IPSec VPN Connection Status screen displays:
Figure 291.
The Active IPSec SA(s) table lists each active connection with the information that is
described in the following table. The default poll interval is 5 seconds. To change the poll
interval period, enter a new value in the Poll Interval field, and then click Set Interval. To stop
polling, click Stop.
To review the status of current SSL VPN tunnels, select Monitoring > Active Users & VPNs
> SSL VPN Connection Status. The SSL VPN Connection Status screen displays:
Table 129. IPSec VPN Connection Status screen information
Item Description
Policy Name The name of the VPN policy that is associated with this SA.
Endpoint The IP address on the remote VPN endpoint.
Tx (KB) The amount of data that is transmitted over this SA.
Tx (Packets) The number of IP packets that are transmitted over this SA.
State The status of the SA. Phase 1 is the authentication phase, and Phase 2 is key exchange
phase. If there is no connection, the status is IPSec SA Not Established.
Action Click the Connect table button to build the connection, or click the Disconnect table
button to terminate the connection.