CHAPTER 3 Web-UI Operations

3.5.2Network Interface window

The [Network Interface] window allows you to specify IP addresses and other information for MMB access. In this window, you can specify the following three types of IP addresses:

IP Address: Specify the virtual IP address to be used to access the Web-UI. If the MMB is duplicated, this virtual IP address will be taken by the active MMB.

IP Address for MMB#0: This item is displayed and can be set if MMB#0 exists on the system. Specify the physical IP address to be assigned to the MMB#0 interface. The Web-UI is also accessible from this interface. If MMB#0 does not exist on the system, this table is unselectable.

IP Address for MMB#1: This item is displayed and can be set if MMB#1 exists on the system. Specify the physical IP address to be assigned to the MMB#1 interface. The Web-UI is also accessible from this interface. If MMB#1 does not exist on the system, this table is unselectable.

Figure 3.52 [Network Interface] window

Table 3.86 Displayed and setting items in the [Network Interface] window



IP Address



Specify a host name. The default setting is the system name.

IP Address

Specify an IP address.

Subnet mask

Specify the subnet mask.

