MMB 4.4 Update Commands
4.4Update Commands
The following commands are used to update firmware:
zupdate MMB
zupdate BMC
zupdate EFI
zupdate SAL
This section describes how to use these commands.
4.4.1update MMB
This command downloads an MMB firmware file from the specified URL and updates MMB firmware.
The input format for the URL is as follows:
A URL cannot be accessed through a proxy server.
Note: The MMB must be rebooted when MMB firmware is updated. To prevent an interruption in MMB service during an update, Fujitsu recommends updating the standby MMB first, making it the active MMB, and then updating the other MMB.
zPrivilege: Users with the Admin privilege or CE privilege
update MMB [0 1 both] <url> [noverify] {quiet}
0:Updates MMB firmware on MMB#0.
1:Updates MMB firmware on MMB#1.
both: Updates MMB firmware on both MMB#0 and #1.
noverify: Disables the verify check.
quiet: Updates the firmware without interactive operation involving the user.