MMB 4.2 Setting Commands
4.2.4power off
This command powers off the entire system or specified partitions.
A partition that is specified in the parameter but not yet configured is ignored. The command does not have an effect on a specified partition that is already off.
zPrivilege: Users with the Admin privilege
power off [chassis partition [all <partition#> [,
(2) Options
zchassis: Powers off the cabinet.
The OSs of all partitions are shut down before the cabinet is powered off. partition: Shuts down the OSs of the partitions whose partition numbers are specified and then powers off the partitions. Partitions can be specified in any of the following ways:
-Specify the
-Specify partition numbers delimited by commas.
-Specify a partition number range.
zforce: Forcibly powers off a partition without shutting down the OS running in it.