CHAPTER 8 CLI Operations spanning-tree statistics

This command displays STP statistical information.

(1) Synopsis

show spanning-tree statistics [bridge interface <interface-id>]

(2) Options

zbridge (optional)

Displays unit statistical information.

zinterface <interface-id> (optional) Displays interface statistical information.

This option specifies the interface whose STP statistical information is to be displayed:

-GigabitEthenet 0/1-8

-IO_Unit 0 0-7 1

-TenGigabitEthernet 1/1-2

-port-channel 1-7

If these options are omitted, all unit and interface statistical information is displayed.

If only <interface-id> is omitted, all interface statistical information is displayed.

The clear spanning-tree command deletes all statistical information displayed by this command.

(3)Command Mode user exec

enabled exec

(4) See also

clear spanning-tree

