GSWB 7.12 Channel Group Menu

7.12Channel Group Menu

7.12.1Channel Group window

The [Channel Group] window adds and deletes physical links in channel groups:

zIf a channel group has no port, the channel group is deleted.

zA channel group is defined when the first port is added.

zUp to eight ports can be configured in one channel group.

zLoad balancing can be set up only for a defined channel group. (Load balancing is set up by default when the group is defined).

zThe first port added to a channel group is set as the Master-Port, which has the lowest interface number among the ports in the channel group.

zTo delete the Master-Port, it must be deleted when all other ports in the same channel group are deleted.

zGigabitEthernet and 10GigabitEthernet ports cannot be in the same channel group.

Note: To add an IOU interface to a channel group, use the GSWB CLI. When the GSWB CLI is used to add an IOU interface to a channel group, the [Channel Group] window does not display the added interface and displays only "Defined" for it.

Figure 7.68 [Channel Group] window

