GSWB 8.3 Operation Commands

zRoot Bridge Identifier: Root bridge information

This is information about the root bridge selected by STP.

If this unit is operating as the root bridge, information about the unit is displayed:

-priority: Bridge priority of the bridge unit defined as the root bridge (0 to 65535)

-address: MAC address of the bridge unit defined as the root bridge (delimited 6-byte hexadecimal value)

zRoot port: Root port information

This is information about the interface selected as the root port.

The port with the lowest path cost among ports linked to the root bridge is selected as the root port.

Root port information is displayed in the form of "port number interface name":

-Port number: 0 to 33

-Interface name: Interface name displayed following selection from GigabitEthernet 0/1-8, IO_Unit 0 0-7 1, TenGigabitEthernet 1/1-2, and port- channel 1-7.

If this unit is operating as the root bridge, "0" is displayed as the port number and no interface name is displayed.

zcost of root path: Path cost from this unit to the root bridge

This path cost is calculated by totaling the link costs from the root port to the root bridge selected by STP. The cost ranges from 0 to 2147483647.

If this unit is operating as the root bridge, "0" is displayed as the path cost.

zTopology change: Flag (set or not set)

-flag: Topology change flag

This flag is set when this unit receives a topology change message from the switch unit that constitutes STP and detects a topology change based on the message contents. The flag is cleared when the topology becomes stable.

-detected flag: Topology change detection flag

This flag is set when this unit detects a topology change. The flag is cleared when the topology becomes stable.

zTimes: Timer value in use

This is the timer value used (executed) by this unit.

-hold: Config BPDU transmission holding time 1 second (fixed)

-topology change: Topology change timer value

This is the time between topology change detection and topology convergence: [max age] time + [forward delay] time

