CHAPTER 8 CLI Operations


Displays the settings, with the Interface in Access mode (port VLAN)

Switch# show interface switchport GigabitEthernet 0/1 GigabitEthernet 0/1

VLAN membership mode: Access

Native VLAN: 1

Priority for untagged traffic: 0

Allowed VLAN: 1 Switch#

• Displays the settings, with the Interface in Trunk mode (tag VLAN)

Switch# show interface switchport GigabitEthernet 0/1 GigabitEthernet 0/1

VLAN membership mode: Trunk

Native VLAN: 1

Priority for untagged traffic: 0

Allowed VLAN: 1 10 20 Switch#

Displayed items:

zVLAN membership mode: VLAN membership mode (Trunk/Access)

zNative VLAN: Native VLAN ID (1 to 4094)

When the membership mode is Access, the access vlan id is displayed.

zPriority for untagged traffic: Priority of traffic without a tag (0 to 7)

zAllowed Vlan: Permitted VLAN ID (1 to 4094)

In Trunk mode, all permitted VLAN IDs are displayed.

When the membership mode is Access, the access vlan id is displayed.

(6)Error Messages

% Incomplete command.

Cause: Incomplete command input

Action: Enter the command string correctly.

• % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Cause: Invalid character detected at '^' marker in the entered command string

Action: Enter the command string correctly.

