GSWB 8.3 Operation Commands

(4) See also

ssh enable, ssh keygen

(5) Examples

Switch# show ssh SSH :enable rsa1:enable :2048 rsa :disable: dsa :disable: Switch#

Displayed items:

zSSH server status: Displays whether the server is enabled or disabled.

-enable: SSH server enabled

-disable: SSH server disabled

zSSH protocol version: Displays the SSH protocol version.

-rsa1: RSA Version1

-rsa: RSA Version2

-dsa: DSA Version2

zStatus: Displays whether a key file is set for the SSH server.

-enable: Set

-disable: Not set

zBit length

Displays the bit length of the key for each protocol. If no key file for the protocol has been created, this item is blank.

-1024: 1024-bit length

-2048: 2048-bit length

(6)Error Messages

% Incomplete command.

Cause: Incomplete command input

Action: Enter the command string correctly.

• % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Cause: Invalid character detected at '^' marker in the entered command string

Action: Enter the command string correctly.

