CHAPTER 8 CLI Operations
• Error code 1: File not found
Cause: The specified file is not found in the tftp server.
Action: Check if the tftp server is running. Check if the specified file exists in the tftp server.
• Error code 2: Access violation
Cause: An error occurred during access to the file in the server.
Action: Wait for a while and reexecute. Check the settings of the server.
• Server error:*
Cause: An error occurred at the tftp server.
Action: Wait for a while and reexecute. Check the settings of the server.
• Invalid command
Cause: Invalid command string entry in subcommand mode
Action: Enter the command string correctly.
• No target machine specified.
Cause: The put or get subcommand was entered without connecting to the server.
Action: Transfer the file after connecting to the server.
• Open error.
Cause: A
Action: Check the file name
• Invalid help command *.
Cause: An invalid subcommand name was specified for the help subcommand execution.
Action: Check the subcommand name.
• Internal error:*
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Check the system status, and reenter the command. If the error occurs again, collect unit information, configuration definition information, and the information in different types of logs, and restart the unit. Alternatively, contact a certified service engineer.