GSWB 8.3 Operation Commands

(6)Error Messages

% Incomplete command.

Cause: Incomplete command input

Action: Enter the command string correctly.

• % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Cause: Invalid character detected at '^' marker in the entered command string

Action: Enter the command string correctly.

• System error.

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Check the system status, and reenter the command. If the error occurs again, collect unit information, configuration definition information, and the information in different types of logs, and restart the unit. Alternatively, contact a certified service engineer.

This command examines the routes used to transfer packets to their destination. Transmission to broadcast addresses is not supported.

(1) Synopsis

traceroute <ip-address> [length <length>]

(2) Options


Specifies the destination address.

Specify the IP address basically in the form of (xxx is a decimal number ranging from 0 to 255).

zlength <length> (optional)

Specifies the length of each packet to be transmitted (Unit: bytes).

You can specify a length between 40 and 1500 bytes. The packet length includes the IP header.

The default packet length is 40 bytes.

