CHAPTER 8 CLI Operations

Parameters for which the input format is displayed in help information are not completed.

Only the current parameter is completed. The next parameter (or command name) is not completed. editing function

This section describes how to specify and cancel commands.

zSpecifying a command

To specify a command, switch to a command mode in which the command can be specified, enter it in the CLI, and press the [Enter] key.

zCanceling a command (no)

To cancel a command, enter "no" in front of the command in the CLI, and execute it.

Subcommands can be canceled in submode.

Any subcommand that is specified under a command is also canceled when the command is canceled. selection display function

When the show command is executed, the command selection display function displays the commands that can be specified in the current mode.

If the command is executed with part of a command name or command parameter entered after "show", only the commands that match the specified parameter are displayed.

Any subcommand that is specified under a command is also displayed when the command is displayed. messages

The appropriate action to be taken for a configuration definition command error depends on the detected location and contents of the error message. The following table lists the error messages that are common to all of the configuration definition commands. For other error messages, see the command descriptions.

