CHAPTER 10 Boot Manager

Filename: \EFI\redhat\elilo.efi



IA-64 EFI Application 06/16/04 12:05a

345,564 bytes

Enter New Description: Linux Boot

New BootOption Data. ASCII/Unicode strings only, with max of 240 characters

Enter BootOption Data Type [A-Ascii U-Unicode N-No BootOption] : Unicode

Enter BootOption Data [Data will be stored as Unicode string]: elilo mylinux 3

Save [Y-Yes N-No]:

Figure 10.6 Boot option setting example

When, in this example, you select [Exit] from the [Boot Option Maintenance Menu] after setting boot options, an item named "Linux Boot" is added to the [Boot Manager Menu] window, as shown in Figure 10.7.

If this [Linux Boot] is selected, Linux is started in run level 3.

EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [x.x]

Please select a boot option

EFI Shell [Built-in]



Linux Boot

Boot Option Maintenance Menu

Setup Menu

Use and to change option(s). Use Enter to select an option

Figure 10.7 Boot Manager menu as it is displayed after a boot option is added

