CHAPTER 10 Boot Manager
Filename: \EFI\redhat\elilo.efi
345,564 bytes |
Enter New Description: Linux Boot
New BootOption Data. ASCII/Unicode strings only, with max of 240 characters
Enter BootOption Data Type
Enter BootOption Data [Data will be stored as Unicode string]: elilo mylinux 3
Figure 10.6 Boot option setting example
When, in this example, you select [Exit] from the [Boot Option Maintenance Menu] after setting boot options, an item named "Linux Boot" is added to the [Boot Manager Menu] window, as shown in Figure 10.7.
If this [Linux Boot] is selected, Linux is started in run level 3.
EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [x.x]
Please select a boot option
EFI Shell
Linux Boot
Boot Option Maintenance Menu
Setup Menu
Use and
to change option(s). Use Enter to select an option
Figure 10.7 Boot Manager menu as it is displayed after a boot option is added