GSWB 8.2 Configuration Definition Commands

• Entry isn’t existed.

Cause: Deletion of an unregistered LDAP server was attempted.

Action: Check the LDAP servers already registered. ldap dn

This command specifies the base DN for searches.

The default setting is [dc=].


Specifies the base [DN] for searches

ldap dn <dn>

Resets the base [DN] for searches to the default value no ldap dn


z<dn>: Specifies the base DN in the form of "(attribute1)=(value1),(attribute2)=(value2),...". The entered data consists of 3 to 128 bytes and uses en-size alphanumeric characters and -_, and =. Entering the space character causes an error.


dc=example,dc=com Normal dc = example,dc = com Error dc=example, dc=com Error

(3)Command mode


(4)See also

show ldap

