CHAPTER 5 Web-UI Operations

Table 5.3 Displayed items in the [Partition Information] window



Host Name

Host name

Partition ID

Partition ID

Date/Time of System

System time in the partition (local time), as follows:


yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss


* When the window opens, up-to-date information is retrieved.



Operating System

OS name and version

Service Pack

Displays the OS service pack.

* Windows version only




Operating System Run

OS operating time


* When the window opens, up-to-date information is retrieved.



Current Run Level

OS run level, ranging from Run Level 1 to 5

* Only Linux supported

* The latest information will be obtained when the window opens.



Current Logins

Number of currently logged-in users

* Only Linux supported

* When the window opens, up-to-date information is retrieved.



Current Sessions

Displays the number of current sessions.

* Only Windows

* The latest information will be obtained when the window opens.





Total Number of Logical

Number of logical CPUs recognized by the OS





Total Number of CPU

Number of physical CPU sockets





Total Available Memory

If the SWAP size in the partition is up to 1023 MB, it is displayed


in MB units. If it is at least 1024 MB, it is displayed in GB units


(rounded down to one decimal place).




If the SWAP size in the partition is up to 1023 MB, it is displayed


in MB units. If it is at least 1024 MB, it is displayed in GB units


(rounded down to one decimal place).



PSA Version

PSA version

PSA Filter Version

Version of the filter definition for the PSA hardware error


monitoring function



(1) Menu operation

[Partition] [Partition #x] [PSA] [Partition Information]

(2)GUI operation


