CHAPTER 8 CLI Operations string requirements

The following requirements apply to command input strings:

zAll entered characters must be en-size characters.

zOnly uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters, numeric characters, symbols, and the space character can be used.

zAlphabetic characters are treated as case-insensitive. (However, passwords are case-sensitive.)

zOne space character must be entered between tokens. (Two or more space characters are recognized as one space character.) between commands

If executing of a command would cause resource access conflict, such as if the same command as a currently running command is entered, the command is not executed. function

If the question mark or [?] key is pressed when only the shell prompt is displayed, the available commands in the user's current command mode are displayed together with simple descriptions.

If the [Space] and [?] keys are pressed during entry of a command, simple descriptions of the options and parameters that can follow the entered string are displayed. name abbreviation function

A command name can be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation does not match the abbreviation of another command name. For example, "rel" can be entered as an abbreviation for the reload command.

Since the available commands vary depending on the command class and command mode, their abbreviations may be different.

