GSWB 8.3 Operation Commands

Acquires an online file after connecting to the tftp server. The tftp connection is terminated after the file is acquired.

switch#tftp tftp> get online

Received 12386112 bytes in 541.1 seconds tftp> q


(6)Error Messages

% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Cause: Invalid character detected at '^' marker in the entered command string

Action: Enter the command string correctly.

• Parameter error

Cause: An invalid parameter was entered.

Action: Enter the command string correctly.

• Command is already running.

Cause: The following commands are currently running.

clear ramdisk / install / restore config / save config / tftp

Action: Reenter the command after the current command exits.

• tftp: sendto: *

Cause: Data transmission to the tftp server failed.

Action: Check the status of the network connection to the tftp server.

• tftp: recvfrom: *

Cause: Data reception from the tftp server failed.

Action: Check the status of the network connection to the tftp server.

• Transfer timed out.

Cause: The tftp server has not started at the connected host. Alternatively, connection is not allowed. Another possibility is that file transfer is not possible due to a connection error.

Action: Check the connection to the tftp server. Use the [show ether statistics] command to check for possible errors.

Check the interface settings of the business LAN.

