GSWB 8.2 Configuration Definition Commands

• Input parameter error.

Cause: An invalid parameter was specified.

Action: Specify the correct parameter. mode

This command is used to select the VLAN membership mode of an interface.

The available VLAN commands vary depending on the selected mode. No specific error message is displayed, however, after execution of a mode-dependent command that cannot be executed.

zCommands that can be executed in Access mode switchport access vlan

zCommands that can be executed in Trunk mode switchport allowed vlan

switchport native vlan

When making this setting for a port-channel port, no setting is required for a physical link that is part of the target port-channel. The contents of settings made for such links are not reflected. The setting for a physical link in the port-channel is reflected in the physical link at the time the link is removed from the port-channel.


Sets the selected VLAN membership mode for an interface

switchport mode {access trunk}

Resets the VLAN membership mode to the initial setting (access) no switchport mode


z{access trunk}

-access: Makes the interface function as a port VLAN (default).

-trunk: Sets up a VLAN trunk (tagged VLAN).

(3)Command mode


