7.10VLAN Menu
The [VLAN] menu is used to manipulate VLANs and configure VLAN settings.
7.10.1VLAN ID Select window
The [VLAN ID Select] window is used to select a VLAN for settings or changes.
Figure 7.55 [VLAN ID Select] window
Table 7.87 Displayed or setting item in the [VLAN ID Select] window
Item | Description |
VLAN ID | Select a VLAN ID. To create a VLAN ID, select [New]. |
| Selection range: defined VLAN IDs or [New]: 1 to 4094 (Default: |
| New) |
Table 7.88 Buttons in the [VLAN ID Select] window
Button | Description |
Help | Displays the Help window. |
Apply | Sets the specified values. |
(1) Menu operation
[Switch] → [GSWB#x] → [VLAN] → [VLAN Configuration]