GSWB 8.3 Operation Commands

• Bank cannot be switched.

Cause: Banks cannot be switched.

Action: Check the system status, and reenter the command. If the error occurs again, collect unit information, configuration definition information, and the information in different types of logs, and then restart the unit. Alternatively, contact a certified service engineer.

• System error.

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Check the system status, and reenter the command. If the error occurs again, collect unit information, configuration definition information, and the information in different types of logs, and restart the unit. Alternatively, contact a certified service engineer. config

This command clears the configuration definition file. Configuration definition information is reflected only after the unit is restarted.

The command cannot be executed during execution of any of the following commands: clear config, save, save config, restore config.

(1) Synopsis

clear config {0 1}

(2) Options

z{0 1}: Specifies the configuration definition bank to be cleared.

-0: Configuration definition bank 0

-1: Configuration definition bank 1

(3)Command mode

enabled exec

