CHAPTER 8 CLI Operations
• Input parameter duplicate error.
Cause: Duplicated registration of the same user name was attempted.
Action: Check the user names already registered.
• Set count over.
Cause: Registration exceeding the maximum 8 people was attempted.
Action: Check the number of registered entries.
• Entry isn’t existed.
Cause: Deleting an unregistered user name was attempted.
Action: Check the user names already registered. snmp-server host
This command specifies the host whose MIB information is to be acquired or manipulated:
zThe port number used for accessing MIB information is always 161.
zThe maximum number of hosts that can be set is 8.
zHosts with the same IP address but different SNMP versions can be registered simultaneously.
•Specifies the host whose MIB information is to be acquired/manipulated
• Deletes the specified host