GSWB 8.3 Operation Commands ssh keydel

This command deletes the RSA key or DSA key used by ssh.

If the SSH server is operating with the key type specified by this command, an error occurs. In such cases, disable the SSH server by executing the no ssh enable command for the configuration definition, and then execute this command.


Deletes the RSA key or DSA key used by ssh

ssh keydel { rsa1 rsa dsa }

(2) Options

z{ rsa1 rsa dsa }: Specifies the key file to be deleted.

-rsa1: Deletes the RSA key (SSH protocol Version1)

-rsa: Deletes the RSA key (SSH protocol Version2)

-dsa: Deletes the DSA key (SSH protocol Version2)

(3)Command mode

enabled exec

(4) See also

ssh enable, ssh keygen

(5) Examples

Switch# ssh keydel rsa


(6)Error messages

Application running

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a key while the SSH server was operating.

Action: Stop the SSH server.

• RSA Key(ver1) not exist

Cause: No RSA Key (ver1) file was found.

Action: Check the key status.

