9. Type add protocol


to add the protocols that will be running
over the X.25 interface. Youwill be prompted for window size, default packet
size, maximum packet size, circuit idle time, and max VCs.
Note: Youneed to add the protocols only once for all X.25 networks on the
10. Type add address


to add an address translation for each
protocol’s destination address reachable over this interface.
11. Typeexit to return to the Config> prompt.
12. Press Ctrl-P to return to the OPCON prompt (*).
13. Type restart and respond yes to the prompt.
Setting the National Personality
Each public data network, such as GTE’s Telenetor DDN’s Defense Data Network,
has its own standard configuration. The term

National Personality

specifies a group
of variables used to define a public data network’s characteristics. The configuration
information in the National Personality provides the router with control information
for packets being transferred over the link. The National Personality option defines
27 default parameters for each public data network.
Toview the configuration values that are in your X.25 National Personality, execute
the X.25 configuration list detailed command. Configure each public data network
connected to the router by executing the X.25 configuration national-personality
set command.
The National Personality is a generalized template for network configuration. If
necessary, you can individually configure each frame and packet layer parameter.
Understanding the X.25 Defaults
The following tables list the defaults for the various parameters for the X.25


national set


national enable

Table46. Set Command
Parameter Default
address ... none
cable none
calls-out ... 4
clocking ... external
default-window-size ... 2
encoding NRZ
equipment-type ... DTE
htf addr ... none
inter-frame-delay ... 0
mtu 1500
national-personality ... GTE Telenet
pvc ... low=0 high=0
speed 9600
Using the X.25 Network Interface
320 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide