ELS Con®guration Commands (Talk 6)


Resets the display or trap setting of an event, group, or subsystem back to a disabled state.





display event OR group OR subsystem

Controls the output of the display of messages to the monitoring.

trap event OR group OR subsystem

Controls the generation of traps to the network management station.

remote event OR group OR subsystem

Controls the generation of traps to the remote station.


Use the delete command to delete an event number from an existing group or to delete the entire group. If the speci®ed event is the last event to be deleted in a group, you will be noti®ed. Ifall is speci®ed instead ofsubsystem.event_number, a prompt asks you to con®rm the deletion of the entire group.



group_name subsystem.event_number


Use the display command to enable message displaying on the monitoring monitor for speci®c events, a range of events for a subsystem, groups, or subsystems.


displayevent . . .

group . . .

range . . .

subsystem . . .

event subsystem.event#

Displays messages of the speci®ed event subsystem( .event#).

group groupname

Displays messages of a speci®ed group groupname( ).

range subsystemname ®rst_event_number last_event_number

Where ®rst_event_numberis the number of the ®rst event in the speci®ed event range, and last_event_number is the number of the last event in the speci®ed event range.

Displays a range of messages for the speci®ed subsystem.


Chapter 13. Con®guring and Monitoring the Event Logging System (ELS) 169

Page 205
Image 205
IBM SC30-3681-08 manual Default, Display