Valid Values:
If YES, then you do not have to configure the ATMaddress of the
If NO, then you
configure the ATMaddress of the LES using
the set les-atm-address command as described on page 303.
Default Value:
LEC Config> set auto-config yes
Sets the Best Effort Peak Rate. Used when establishing best effort multicast
send connections.
The maximum peak rate depends on the maximum data rate of the ATM
Specify an integer from 1 to the maximum peak rate in Kbps (the definition
is the maximum data rate) as follows:
vIf ATMmaximum data rate is 25 Mbps, the maximum peak rate is 25,000
vIf ATMmaximum data rate is 155 Mbps, the maximum peak rate is
155,000 Kbps.
Valid Values:
An integer number in the range of 1 - device maximum data rate.
Default Value:
LEC Config> set best-effort-peakrate 24000
This parameter sets the maximum number of times that the LEC will
attempt to reconnect to the BUS before returning to the initial state.
Valid Values:
Default Value:
Sets the connection completion time. This is the time interval in which data
or a READY_IND message is expected from a calling party.
When a Data Direct VCC is established to the client, the LEC expects data
or a READY_IND message within this time period. The LEC will not
transmit frames over a Data Direct VCC established to it until receiving data
or a READY_IND. This parameter value controls the amount of time which
passes before the LEC issues a READY QUERY (in hopes of receiving a
READY_IND). Smaller values lead to faster response times, but also to
unnecessary transmissions.
Valid Values:
An integer number of seconds in the range of 1 to 10.
Configuring Forum LE Clients
Chapter24. Configuring and Monitoring LAN Emulation Clients 301