1. Processes, Their Purpose, and Commands to Access ........10
2. Network Architecture and the Supported Interfaces .........17
3. OPCON Commands.....................27
4. CONFIG Command Summary ................. 51
5. Access Permission .....................58
6. Environment Command Summary................66
7. IBM 2210 Feature Numbers and Names .............68
8. Additional Functions Provided by the Set Prompt Level Command....78
9. Default and Maximum Settings for Interfaces............79
10. Conventions for File Name Extensions ..............88
11. Boot CONFIG Commands ..................93
12. Add Boot Entry Parameters ..................95
13. Description of Boot Methods..................111
14. Boot Options .......................114
15. Boot Option Prompts ....................114
16. GWCON Command Summary .................127
17. Logging Levels.......................149
18. Packet Completion Codes (Error Codes) .............150
19. ELS Configuration Command Summary .............167
20. ELS Net Filter Configuration Commands .............182
21. ELS Message Buffering Configuration Commands..........184
22. ELS Monitoring Command Summary ..............188
23. Packet Trace Monitoring Command Summary ...........205
24. ELS Net Filter Monitoring Commands ..............207
25. ELS Message Buffering Monitoring Commands...........210
26. PERF Configuration Command Summary .............216
27. PERF Monitoring Command Summary ..............217
28. Token-RingConfiguration Command Summary ...........225
29. Token-Ring4/16 Valid Packet Sizes ...............227
30. Token-RingMonitoring Command Summary ............229
31. LLC Configuration Command Summary .............235
32. LLC Monitoring Command Summary...............239
33. Ethernet Configuration Command Summary ............251
34. Ethernet monitoring command Summary .............253
35. ATM Configuration Command Summary .............278
36. ATM INTERFACEConfiguration Command Summary ........278
37. ATM VirtualInterface Configuration Command Summary .......285
38. ATM monitoring command Summary...............286
39. ATM INTERFACEmonitoring command Summary ..........287
40. ATM LLC Configuration Command Summary ...........290
41. LAN EMULATION Client Configuration Commands Summary .....293
42. LAN Emulation Client Configuration Commands Summary.......295
43. ATM LAN Emulation ClientARP Configuration Commands Summary . . . 295
44. ATM LAN Emulation ClientARP Config Commands Summary .....296
45. LE Config monitoring command Summary.............309
46. Set Command .......................320
47. National Enable Parameters..................321
48. National Set Parameters ...................321
49. Establishing Incoming X.25 Circuits for Closed User Groups ......325
50. X.25 Configuration Commands Summary .............327
51. Example VC Definitions ...................331
52. X.25 Monitoring Command Summary ..............353
53. XTP Configuration Commands Summary .............375
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