Using V.25bis

vThe set connect-timeoutcommand speci®es the number of seconds allowed for a call to be established.

vThe set duplex command speci®es the duplexing mode for the call.

vThe set encoding command sets the encoding for the call.

vWhen you have ®nished con®guring the interface, you can use thelist command to display your con®guration.

Adding Dial Circuits

Dial circuits are mapped to V.25bis serial line interfaces. You can map multiple dial circuits to one serial line interface.

To add a dial circuit, use the add device dial-circuitcommand from the Config> prompt. The software assigns an interface number to each circuit. You will use this number to con®gure the dial circuit.


Config>add device dial-circuit

Adding device as interface 6

Note: Dial circuits default to the Point-to-Point protocol (PPP). You can also set the dial circuit to use Frame Relay (FR) or SDLC.

Con®guring Dial Circuits

This section describes how to con®gure a dial circuit. For a complete description of the dial circuit commands, see ªChapter 47. Con®guring and Monitoring Dial Circuitsº on page 643.

Note: If the encapsulator type is SDLC, the only dial circuit parameter that you can set is the base net number.

To con®gure the dial circuit, do the following:

1.Display the Circuit Config> prompt by entering the network command

followed by the interface number of the dial circuit. You can use the list devices command at the Config> prompt to display a list of the dial circuits that you added. For example:

Config>network 6

Circuit configuration

Circuit Config>

2.Map the dial circuit to a V.25bis interface. The Base net is the V.25bis interface number. For example:

Circuit Config>set net

Base net for this circuit [0]? 0

3.Specify the address name of the remote router to which the dial circuit will connect. You must use one of the names you de®ned using theadd

v25-bis-addresscommand. For example:

Circuit Config>set destination

Assign destination address name []? newyork

4.Con®gure the dial circuit to initiate outbound calls only, accept inbound calls only, or both initiate and accept calls.

Use the set calls command. To avoid a con¯ict if both ends of the link attempt to establish a call at the same time, con®gure the dial circuit at one end of the link to accept inbound calls only, and con®gure the dial circuit at the other end of the link to initiate outbound calls only. For example:

Chapter 41. Using the V.25bis Network Interface 581

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IBM SC30-3681-08 manual Adding Dial Circuits, Conguring Dial Circuits, Configadd device dial-circuit