Configuring Bridging
Bridging Configuration
Type 'Yes' to Configure Bridging
Type 'No' to skip Bridging Configuration
Type 'Quit' to exit Quick Config
Configure Bridging? (Yes, No, Quit): [Yes]
1. In response to Configure Bridging, take one of the following actions:
vEnter yto display the bridging configuration prompts. The prompts that
appear depend on your network configuration.
vEnter nto skip the bridging configuration and continue with quick
vEnter qto exit quick configuration. This displays the Config> prompt. To
reenter quick configuration, enter qc after this prompt.
2. If you have configured for DIALs dial-in circuits the following panel will be
Transparent bridging automatically enabled
on DIALs ports? (Yes, No, Quit): [Yes]
Enter yto automatically add transparent bridge ports to the bridge configuration
for each of the DIALs interfaces.
Enter nto automatically disable Bridging on each of the DIALs dial-in interfaces.
3. If you choose to configure bridging, Spanning Tree Bridging (STB) will be
enabled on all LAN interfaces. Youwill see the following panels:
Type 'r' any time at this level to restart Bridging Configuration
STB will be enabled on all LAN interfaces
Enter yto configure SRT bridging. Otherwise, enter n. For each Token-Ring
interface in the configuration, you will be prompted to enable Source Routing on
the interface.
Configure SRT Bridging? (Yes, No): [Yes]
You are now configuring the Source Routing part of SRT Bridging
Bridge Number (hex) of this Router (1-F): [A]
4. Enter a bridge number, which is a hexadecimal value from 1 to F that is unique
between two parallel segments.
Interface 0 (Port 1) is of type Token Ring
Configure Source Routing on this interface (Yes, No): [Yes]
5. Enter yto configure source routing on the interface. The console displays the
next two lines.
Configuring Interface 0 (Port 1)
Segment Number (hex) of this Interface (1-FFF): [A1]
Note: The port number increases by one because source routing bridging does
not allow a port number of zero.
662 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide