ATM INTERFACE+ list addresses
ATM Address Name
---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
3999999999999900009999020000041347391804 LEC 1 'eth1'
3999999999999900009999020000041347391802 LES/BUS 'eth1'
all Lists all of the following:
vCircuit statistics
vReserved Bandwidth
circuit Lists the statistics for a particular VCC by specifying the particular VCI-VPI
pair. Youcan also specify the circuit on the command line; for example: list
circuit 33.
ATM INTERFACE+ list circuit
VPI [0]?
VCI [32]?33
Frames transmitted = 2 Bytes transmitted = 216
Frames received = 2 Bytes received = 216
vccs Lists all the VCCs established by the router. The VCCs may be permanent
(PVC) or switched (SVC), point-to-point or point-to-multipoint, and each is
identified by a unique VPI/VCI. The trace command uses the VPI/VCI value
for a VCC to perform packet tracing over a particular VCC.
P-P point to point VCC
P-MP point to multipoint VCC
ILMI Interim Local Management Interface VCC
SAAL signalling VCC
Bx-y Internally bound VCC to VPI x, VCI y
Sx-y Internally spliced VCC to VPI x, VCI y
Lists the reserved bandwidth on the ATMInterface.
ATM INTERFACE+ list reserved-bandwidth
Line Rate : 155000 Kbps
Peak Reserved Bandwidth : None
Sustained Reserved Bandwidth : None
Use the trace command activate packet tracing over a specified range of VPI/VCI
values. Youcan view trace data by using ELS as described in “View” on page 204.
trace list
ATMInterface Monitoring Commands (Talk 5)
288 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide