list control bcp
BCP State: Closed
Previous State: Closed
Time Since Change: 5 hours, 25 minutes and 3 seconds
BCP Option Local Remote
Tinygram Compression DISABLED DISABLED
Source-route Info:
Remote side does not support source-route bridging
Definitions of Terms in the List Control BCPExample
The BCP State fields are the same as those described under the list
control lcp command.
Tinygram Compression
Displays whether or not Tinygram Compression is enabled or
disabled on the local and remote ends of the link.
Source-route Info
Displays whether or not source route bridging is enabled for the
local and remote ports that correspond to this interface.
Example of the List Control NBCP Command
list control nbcp
NBCP State: Closed
Previous State: Closed
Time Since Change: 3hours, 48 minutes and 24 seconds
NetBIOS Control Protocol Info:
Local MAC Address = 0x000000000000
Remote MAC Address = 0x000000000000
Remote NetBIOS Names: (0)
Definitions of Terms in the List Control NBCPExample
The NBCP State fields are the same as those described under the list
control lcp command.
Local MAC Address
The Local MAC Address is the MACAddress that is used by the
DOS/Win DIALs client. It is a pseudo-random number, or a Locally
Administered Address (LAA), if you configured an LAAin the client.
Remote MAC Address
The Remote MAC Address is the MACAddress that the 2210
DIALs Server has assigned to this client for use on the LAN.
Remote NetBIOS Name
The list of NetBIOS names of LAN resources to which the client
has requested access.
Example of the List Control NBFCP Command
list control nbfcp
NBFCP State: Closed
Previous State: Closed
Time Since Change: 4hours, 5 minutes and 58 seconds
NetBIOS Frame Control Protocol Info:
Local MAC Address = 0x000000000000
Remote MAC Address = 0x444553540000
Remote NetBIOS Names: (0)
Monitoring PPP Interfaces (Talk5)
490 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide