Device types available:
Token Ring
Device type:
2. Press Ctrl-C to go to the bootstrap monitor. The >prompt appears.
Bootstrap Monitor v1.15
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1997
3. Boot to Config-Only mode.
PROM Load/Dump Program * Revision: 1.15 *
Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1997
Host **VL-51* loading
Device types available:
Device type [Ethernet]:
Connector Type (AUI/RJ45) [AUTO_CONFIG]:
Interface IP address []:
IP mask [FFFFFF00]:
Boot from host []:
Via gateway []: 43
Boot file name [loads/latest-gen.rbx2-multisna.ldc]:
Using Ethernet at ( 0, 0).
Trying host, via
file loads/latest-gen.rbx2-multisna.ldc
Starting at 1040010
The Standalone Configuration Process. You are here because
The watchdog timer timed out and/or Autoboot not selected
Config (only)>
See “Chapter 9. Boot Options”on page 111 for more information.
Quick Configuration
Quick Configuration (Quick Config) provides a minimal set of commands that allow
you to configure various devices (interfaces), bridging protocols, routing protocols,
and booting records present in the router load. It also allows configuration of some
of the interfaces, booting information, and if the corresponding hardware feature is
installed, Console Modem-Control.Youcan also configure an SNMP community with
WRITE_READ_TRAP access. This is useful during initial setup because the
configuration program uses SNMP SET commands to transfer the configuration.
Quick Config complements the existing configuration process by offering a shortcut.
This shortcut allows you to configure the minimum number of parameters for these
devices, bridging protocols, and routing protocols and booting records without
having to exit and enter the different configuration processes. The other parameters
are set to selected defaults.
Situations that call for the router to be quickly configured are:
vBlank or corrupted configuration memory, such as when one of the following
situations occurs:
The router is configured for the first time.
Voltage fluctuations caused corruption of configuration memory.
Using the CONFIG (Talk6) Process
42 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide