Use the remove command to delete an ATMvirtual interface. The virtual ATM
interface on the real ATMinterface with the specified interface number will be
removed from the SRAM configuration records. If you do not specify an interface
number, the lastATM virtual interface on this real ATM interface will be deleted. If
you enter a question mark (?), all ATMvirtual interfaces on the current real ATM
interface will be listed and you can select from that list the interface you want to
Example: remove 5
Virtual ATM 5 deleted successfully.
ATM Virtual Interface config>
Accessing the ATM Monitoring Process
Use the following procedure to access the ATMmonitoring commands. This process
gives you access to an ATM’s
1. At the OPCON prompt, enter talk 5. (For more detail on this command, refer to
“Chapter 3. The OPCON Process”on page 25.) For example:
*talk 5
The GWCON prompt (+) is displayed on the console. If the prompt does not
appear when you first enter the console, press Return again.
2. Enter interface at the +prompt to display a list of configured interfaces.
3. Record the interface numbers.
4. Enter network followed by the number of the ATMinterface.
+network 5
The ATMmonitoring prompt (ATM+) is displayed.
ATM Monitoring Commands
This section summarizes the ATMmonitoring commands for monitoring ATM
interfaces. Enter the commands at the ATM+ prompt.
Table38. ATM monitoring command Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or
lists the options for specific commands (if available). See
“Getting Help” on page 10.
Interface Displays the ATM Interface+ prompt from which you can
monitor theATM Interface, as described in “ATM Interface
Monitoring Commands (ATMINTERFACE+ Prompt)” on
page287 .
Atm-llc Displays the ATM LLC+ prompt from which you can monitor
endpoints, a set of user clients, and a set ofATM channels.
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See “Exiting a
Lower Level Environment” on page 11.

ATMVirtual Interface Configuration Commands (Talk 6)

286 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide