Con®guring SDLC Interfaces

link frame-size

link group poll* ...

link idle* . . .

link inactivity ...

link inter-frame delay*

link modulo . . .

link name

link poll . . .

link role* . . .

link rts-hold

link snrm

link speed*

link type* . . .

link xid/test

station address . . .

*Note: These commands are not available for SDLC dial circuit interfaces.

link cable type

Sets the cable connected to this interface. The options are V.36 and the following DCE and DTE types: RS-232, V.35, and X.21.

A DTE cable is used when you are attaching the router to some type of DCE device (for example, a modem or a DSU/CSU).

A DCE cable is used when the router is acting as the DCE and providing the clocking for direct attachment.

link clocking internal or external

Con®gures the SDLC link's clocking. To connect to a modem or DSU, set clocking external. To connect directly to another DTE device, use a DCE cable, set the clocking to internal, and con®gure the clock speed. For internal clocking, you must set the line speed in the range 2400 to 2048000 bits per second.

link duplex full or half

Con®gures the SDLC line forfull-duplexor half-duplexsignalling. Half-duplexmeans that the 2210 raises RTS and expects to see CTS before it will transmit data. Full-duplexmeans that the 2210 does not wait for CTS to be raised before is transmits data.

Note: The duplex type does not control how SDLC operates at the SDLC protocol level. The 2210 only supports two-way alternating mode which is sometimes also referred to as SDLC half-duplex.

link encoding nrz or nrzi

Con®gures the SDLC transmission encoding scheme as NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) or NRZI (Non-Return to Zero Inverted). NRZ is the default.

link frame-size

Con®gures the maximum size of the frames that can be transmitted and received on the data link. Valid entries are shown in Table 70 on page 546.

Chapter 38. Con®guring and Monitoring SDLC Interfaces 545

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Image 581
IBM SC30-3681-08 Link cable type, Link clocking internal or external, Link duplex full or half, Link encoding nrz or nrzi