ELS Con®guration Commands (Talk 6)

subsystem subsystemname

Allows trace events associated with the speci®ed subsystem to be displayed on the router monitoring.


Use the trap command to select the message to be sent to the remote SNMP network management workstation. A remote SNMP network management workstation is an IP host in the network acting as an SNMP manager.




event . . .


group . . .


range . . .


subsystem . . .

event subsystem.event#

Causes the speci®ed message subsystem( .event#) to be sent to a network management workstation in an SNMP trap.

group groupname

Allows messages that were previously added to the speci®ed group to be sent to a network management workstation in an SNMP trap.

range subsystemname ®rst_event_number last_event_number

Where ®rst_event_numberis the number of the ®rst event in the speci®ed event range, and last_event_number is the number of the last event of the speci®ed event range.

Causes the messages that are in the speci®ed range for the speci®ed subsystem to be sent to a network management workstation in an SNMP trap.


trap range gw 19 22

Causes the messages in events gw.19, gw.20, gw.21, and gw.22 to be sent to a network management workstation in an SNMP trap.

subsystem subsystemname

Allows messages associated with the speci®ed subsystem to be sent to a management station in an SNMP trap.

Note: Messages for the IP, ICMP, ARP and UDP subsystems cannot be sent in SNMP traps because these areas are or may be used in the process of sending the SNMP trap. This could lead to an in®nite loop of traffic putting an undue strain on the router.

ELS Net Filter Con®guration Commands

ELS net ®lters give you the capability of looking only at ELS messages with certain net numbers and discarding other ELS messages.

When you create a ®lter, you specify the subsystem, event, or range of events to which the ®lter applies. You also specify the queue (for example, ªDISPLAYº,

Chapter 13. Con®guring and Monitoring the Event Logging System (ELS) 181

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IBM SC30-3681-08 manual ELS Net Filter Conguration Commands, Syntax Trap, Trap range gw 19