Select Booting Method (TFTP Boot, BOOTP Boot, IBD Boot): [ ]

1.Enter TFTP to boot using a TFTP host server and respond to the following prompts:

Interface Number ( ):[0]

The number of the LAN interface over which to boot.


For this version of the IBM 2210, you must use the


default of 0.

Interface IP Address: []

IP address of the interface over which to boot. Enter


the IP address in decimal notation.

Address Mask: []

Address mask identi®es the IP address class type.


Class A is, Class B is, and


Class C is

Host IP Address:[ ]

IP address of the host that contains the boot ®le.

Via Gateway:[ ]

If the host is not on the same (sub)network as the IBM


2210, enter the IP address of an intermediate router.

Boot File Name:

Name of the ®le over which to boot. You must use the


full path for the boot ®le, for example:



TFTP Boot Configuration Complete

This is the information you have entered:

Booting Method:TFTP Boot

Interface Number:0

Interface IP Address:

Address Mask:

Host IP Address:

Gateway IP Address:

Boot File Name:ibm2210.ldc

Save this configuration? (Yes, No): [Yes]

2.Enter y to create a boot record. Enter n to restart the boot con®guration prompts.


Select Booting Method (TFTP Boot, BOOTP Boot, IBD Boot): [ ]

1.Enter BOOTP and the console displays a prompt to enter the interface number over which to boot.

Then a message similar to the following appears:

BOOTP Boot Configuration Complete

This is the information you have entered:

Booting Method:BOOTP Boot

Interface Number: 1

Save this configuration? (Yes, No): [Yes]

2.Enter y to create a boot record. Enter n to restart the boot con®guration prompts.

Appendix A. Quick Con®guration Reference 671

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IBM SC30-3681-08 manual Tftp Boot, Bootp Boot