Chapter 41. Using the V.25bis Network Interface
The V.25bisinterface allows routers to establish serial connections over switched
telephone lines using V.25bismodems. This chapter describes how to use the
V.25bisinterface. It includes the following sections:
v“Before YouBegin”
v“Configuration Procedures”
Note: Youcan assign a destination name to a connection list and assign a
destination number to each line in the list. When that destination name is
called, the numbers in the list are tried one by one until a connection is
made or the list is exhausted.
Before You Begin
Before you configure V.25bison the router, make sure you have the following:
vV.25bismodems that support synchronous V.25bis commands and the 1988
ITU/CCITT V.25bisspecification.
vIf your modem does not automatically detect answer originate, you must:
Configure the modem at one end of the link to originate calls.
Configure the modem at the other end of the link to answer calls.
Set up the modem on the answering end to auto-answer.
Configuration Procedures
This section describes how to configure your router for V.25bis.The tasks you need
to perform are:
1. Adding V.25bisaddresses
2. Configuring V.25bisparameters
3. Adding dial circuits
4. Configuring dial circuits
Note: Youmust restart the router for changes to the V.25bis configuration to take

Adding V.25bis Addresses

Youneed to add a V.25bis address for each local V.25bis interface as well as for
each destination. The V.25bisaddress includes:

Address Name.

The address name is a description of the address. Youcan use
any string of up to 23 printable ASCII characters.

Network Dial Address.

Telephonenumber of the local or destination port. You can
enter up to 30 characters that are in the valid format of the connected V.25bis
modem. For additional information consult your modem manual.
Note: The valid character set for telephone numbers as defined by the CCITT
and supported by the IBM 2210 includes:
The decimal digits 0 through 9
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