6-44 CG00000-011503 REV. A March 1997
6-4.3 Implemented Operating Definition Page 81h
VPD page 81h returns the list of implemented operating definitions for the target. The format for
VPD page 81h is:
The current operating definition field indicates the present operating definition.
For each of the following operating definition fields, there is a corresponding SavImp (Save Imple-
mented) bit. A SavImp bit set to one indicates that the corresponding operating definition parameter
can be saved. A SavImp bit set to zero indicates that the corresponding operating definition parame-
ter cannot be saved.
The default operating definition field indicates the value of the operating definition the target uses
upon power-up. The current and default operating definitions are always reported as 03h (SCSI-2
operating definition).
Reference the Change Definition SCSI command specification (CDB byte 3) for a description of the
supported operating definitions listed in this page (i.e. 00h, 03h, and 40h).
Table 6-54. INQUIRY data format VPD Page 81h - Implemented Operating Definition Page
BYTES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0Peripheral Qualifier Peripheral Device Type =08h
1Page code = 81h
3Page length = 05h
4Reserved Current operating definition = 03h
5SavImp = 0b Default operating definition = 03h
6SavImp = 0b Supported operating definition = 00h
7SavImp = 0b Supported operating definition = 03h
8SavImp = 1b Supported operating definition = 40h